Each session targets key lifts, incorporates accessory movements, and helps you improve your overall performance.
This Barbell class is chest focused with upper body accessories. We will be teaching techniques and progressions to master variations of a Bench Press by focusing on proper form.
This Class will only be variations of a circuit or EMOM (every minute on the minute) to build cardiorespiratory endurance.... or getting a sweat in after a long night of having a little too much fun!
This Barbell class is overhead press focused with upper body accessories mainly involving chest, back, and triceps. We will be teaching techniques and progressions to master variations of overhead pressing by focusing on proper form.
This Barbell class is Deadlift or RDL focused with lower body accessories. We will be teaching techniques and progressions to master variations of the Deadlift or barbell RDL by focusing on proper form.
This Barbell class is squat focused with lower body accessories targeting quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and core. We will be teaching techniques and progressions to master variations of the barbell squat by focusing on proper form.